Weather Mate Pro
If you use the iPhone Weather app like I do, try Weather Mate Pro.
Technically, Weather Mate Pro incorporates an incredible amount of useful weather data into the users choice of one of three (currently) distinctively different weather screen styles. Choose one or more cities. Choose the particular weather station for that city. Theres refresh functionality. Severe weather alerts. Daily textual descriptions of the weather. An hourly details screen. Landscape and portrait. Runs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, iOS 6 or later.
Visually, Weather Mate Pro incorporates brilliantly detailed screens of current weather conditions set atop a continually moving background of landscaped earth and sky gently scrolling left to right in weather-relevant light and color, giving the user a subliminal sense of weather change in real-time.
Like all things theres room for improvement -- user selectivity for the amount of detailed weather data, for one. Your email to product support gets responded to.
Aside from being an amazing 3D work-of-art, Weather Mate Pro gets with the details!
jkball80 about
Weather Mate Pro - Forecast